Allied Airpower 03/12

Airpower: B-1B bombs enemy in Afghanistan
US Air Force Dec 5, 2007
SOUTHWEST ASIA: Coalition airpower integrated with coalition ground forces in Iraq and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan during operations Dec. 3, according to Combined Air and Space Operations Center officials here.
US Air Force Dec 5, 2007
SOUTHWEST ASIA: Coalition airpower integrated with coalition ground forces in Iraq and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan during operations Dec. 3, according to Combined Air and Space Operations Center officials here.
In Afghanistan, Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles dropped guided bomb unit-12s against enemy combatants in Kandahar. The strike caused the enemy to cease activities in the area. A joint terminal attack controller in the area confirmed the mission as successful.
An Air Force B-1B Lancer employed GBU-31s against enemy mortar positions located in Asadabad. A JTAC declared the mission as successful as the bombs impacted on the intended targets.
Near Sangin, F-15Es performed shows of force with flares against enemy positions and compounds. The missions were assessed as successful by a JTAC.
F-15Es conducted shows of force to deter enemy activities in the Musa Qal'eh area. The mission was deemed as a success by a JTAC.
F-15Es conducted shows of force to deter enemy activities in the Musa Qal'eh area. The mission was deemed as a success by a JTAC.
Enemy activities were suppressed during shows of force conducted by a B-1B northwest of Nowzad. A JTAC reported the mission as a success.
Shows of force with flares were conducted by F-15Es over coalition force positions in Sangin.
The demonstration also deterred enemy activities in the area. The mission was declared as successful by a JTAC.
In total, 39 close-air-support missions were flown in support of the ISAF and Afghan security forces, reconstruction activities and route patrols.
Eight Air Force and Royal Air Force surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft flew missions in support of operations in Afghanistan.
In Iraq, a RAF Tornado GR-4 performed a show of force to deter enemy actions against friendly forces in Samarra. A JTAC assessed the mission as a success.
An Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon conducted a show of force to deter enemy activities against friendly forces operating in Baqubah. The mission was reported by a JTAC as successful.
Enemy actions were deterred during a show of force performed by an F-16 in Al Kut. A JTAC assessed the mission as successful as the desired effect was achieved.
In total, coalition aircraft flew 49 close-air-support missions for Operation Iraqi Freedom. These missions supported coalition ground forces, protected key infrastructure, provided over watch for reconstruction activities and helped to deter and disrupt terrorist activities.
Twenty-six Air Force and Navy surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft flew missions in support of operations in Iraq. Additionally, three Air Force and RAF aircraft performed tactical reconnaissance.
Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft and C-17 Globemaster IIIs provided intra-theater heavy airlift support, helping to sustain operations throughout Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa.
Approximately 130 airlift sorties were flown; 656 tons of cargos were delivered, and 3,063 passengers were transported. This included approximately 31,084 pounds of troop re-supply air-dropped in Afghanistan.
Coalition C-130 crews from Australia, Iraq and Japan flew in support of operations in Afghanistan or Iraq.
On Dec. 2, Air Force and RAF tankers flew 38 sorties and off-loaded approximately 2.2 million pounds of fuel to 174 receiving aircraft.
It is always a pleasure to read good news about the war. Thank you very much.
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