Facing Critical Issues

Steyn on John Howard
Sun, Dec 2, 2007 from lgf
Sun, Dec 2, 2007 from lgf
Mark Steyn pays tribute to departing Australian prime minister John Howard:
ACCORDING to my Oz-watching pals in Britain and the US, John Howard is not a failure but a victim of his own success. He made Australia safe for the Labor Party: or, at any rate, safe enough that a sufficient number of bored electors were willing to take a flier on a house-trained Labor on the short leash of a quasi-Blairite leader.
That, at any rate, is the spin. Even if it’s correct, and accepting that in parliamentary democracies even the greatest generals go a bridge too far, I regret Howard’s end. True, I object in principle to Australia’s gun laws, and I regard much of the Aussie economy as embarrassingly overregulated after a decade of supposedly conservative rule.
But, as the former prime minister put it in one of his most famous soundbites, this is no time to be an 80 per cent ally.
I am a 100 per cent ally of Howard.
From my perch several thousand kilometres away, I won’t pretend to be an informed analyst of the internal dynamics of the Liberal Party. During my last visit, en route to yet another meeting, there’d usually be someone in the car explaining why the fellow I was on the way to see was on the outs with whichever prime-minister-in-waiting I’d met the day before.
I felt a bit like Bob Hope in The Paleface, heading for the big shootout and getting his head stuffed full of contradictory advice: He leans to the Left, so draw to the Right; the wind’s in the east, so shoot to the west.
What mattered to the world was the strategic clarity Howard’s ministry demonstrated on the critical issues facing (if you’ll forgive the expression) Western civilisation.
A comment :
Australia will soon be hit with a major terror attack because of this. Weakness is provocative and the Australian electorate has shown that they are now a Dhimmi nation.
The Jihadists will take notice, be assured
Thanks for posting, i didn't know Steyn was a fan of Howard. And your last point about a terror attack, i too fear this now, i hope we are wrong.
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