Monday, November 19, 2007

Australian Special Forces

Australian Special Forces Entry Test
Vid of Spec/Ops entry test


Australian Special Operations Command
Promo vid showing 50 years their of history.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point out to those watching the SF Entry Test video that the SFET is run continuously over a couple of days and is ONLY TO SEE IF CANDIDATES ARE SUITABLE TO ATTEND THE RESPECTIVE COMMANDO AND SASR SELECTION COURSES. While it is a 'selection course' per se, it isn't THE selection course for either SASR or Commandos (2.5-4 weeks, depending, of continuous and much harder stuff, followed by up to a year of further training courses - where you're still being assessed for suitability).

The SFET used to be called the SF Barrier Test (and was a little harder even, with 3.2k run instead of 2.4, and a min. 22km route march instead of 15km) - 'Barrier Test' meant 'if you're not fit enough to pass this test you're not fit enough to pass the REAL selection course'. I'm only pointing this out so people don't get the wrong idea and think "gee, Aussie SF is pretty easy to get into". It's not.

[Me: Ex-Commando and Special Forces Training Centre Staff]

12:49 PM  

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