Sunday, November 18, 2007

Morality & Justice Matter

Dr. Babu Suseelan

Islam lays claim to a glorious history. Islam has seen victory after victory during their earlier conquest and destruction of ancient civilizations. This is merely an attempt to prettify itself a brilliant Islamic image in the eyes of innocent people. As a matter of fact, Islam has no glory to advertise at all. The most prominent characteristics of Islam is its eternal Jihad war.
Establishment of Dar-ul-Islam has been Islam’s highest goal since its inception. In recent years, Islam has been infiltrating every part of the world like a cancer cell and grows malignantly beyond control. Democratic nations are unable to prevent Islamic infiltration or stop its expansion. Much of democratic societies has been flooded with Jihadi terrorists or Islamic elements. These Islamic elements are further strengthened by leftist liberals, phony intellectuals, liberal media, pseudo secular political leaders and Communist academicians.
These leftist liberal groups have established an unholy nexus with Islamic fascists. They do not believe in any generally recognized principles of morality and justice. All of their principles are used entirely for supporting Jihadi terrorists not the victims of Islamic terrorism. They keep changing their surface appearance by putting on new clothes. This Janus face of leftist liberals provide various forms of opportunity for Jihadis to gather more power and strengthening its operation and pursuit of evil Islamic goals.
Muslims are eager to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that Islam is peace. But their goal is the forceful overthrow of all existing social structures. Violence, intimidation, and terror are the main means by which Islam gained power in the past. This character trait has been passed on to all subsequent form of Islam since its birth. Islam grew out of the use of violence against infidels . During the past 1,200 years, Islam has slaughtered over 100 million infidels. Muslims want to either convert or annihilate all infidels by force.
Mohammad established an Islamic empire by murdering Jews, Christians and Pagans. Therefore, Muslims naturally inherited the willingness to kill. During colonialism, Westerners used violence to gain political power. But there has never been a political ideology disguised as a religion as eager to kill as Islam. One of the theological theory Muslims use is to divide humanity into two camps: Dar-Ul-Harb and Dar-Ul-Islam. Muslims want to establish Dar-Ul-Islam by forcefully converting all infidels.
The power of Islam over the individual results from Islamic religious school’s prolonged course of indoctrination. The brainwashing starts in schools, mosques, where Mullah sanctioned answers are rewarded , answers that do not comply with commonsense or human nature. Muslims receive Islamic indoctrination when they attend primary school, middle school and the way to college, and they learn Mullah sanctioned standard answers, otherwise, they are brutally punished. A Muslim must remain consistent with Islamic line when speaking publicly, no matter how he feels privately. Mullahs control power on top of controlling the entire life of a Muslim.
This unique structure of indoctrination, threats and punishment is the most important feature of Islam.Today, Islam has degenerated into a fascist political ideology struggling to promote terrorism, violence, hatred and bigotry. Islam is not interested in pursuing any lofty goals of democracy, freedom, peace, tolerance, human rights and coexistence. Islamic rigidity, fanatic belief system, indoctrination, and oppression and unconditional conformity has not changed. Islam still situating itself above humanity and human nature, removes any Muslim deemed detrimental or potentially detrimental to its own rigid system.

Read the rest here:


Blogger Robocop said...

Very good article.

6:53 AM  
Blogger MathewK said...

Incompatible with any form of western government and democracy, the people cannot be allowed to choose, lest they choose a path away from Allah and Islam. It's a reality too many of us are ignorant of or are too scared to speak out about.

8:17 PM  

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