Evil Gun Bans

Gun bans in the UK/AUST (NRA)
Tags: gun control ban evil assault weapons pistol rifle nra
“Their message to American gun owners is simple: ‘It will happen to you, if you let it’”.
Stay with this one to the end. There are a number of testimonies that you need to hear.
“Once you have registration, the police will know what you have, then you will loose it.”
Here is a link , click on link for video!
embeded video removed due to autoplay breaking my balls.
Tags: gun control ban evil assault weapons pistol rifle nra
“Their message to American gun owners is simple: ‘It will happen to you, if you let it’”.
Stay with this one to the end. There are a number of testimonies that you need to hear.
“Once you have registration, the police will know what you have, then you will loose it.”
Here is a link , click on link for video!
embeded video removed due to autoplay breaking my balls.
Dear Fortress, bloody great. And now we are unarmed and only criminals who will be happy to supply Islamist's and use the handy Mosque storage system waiting for when the time is right. Something hideous to look forward to, eh?
You may like a piece I did on citizens being unarmed and what happens to them in history. "Dictator's agree. Gun control works".
Colonel Neville.
The shootings continue in Britain like they have for years by all the crims on our streets,the only difference is now the law abiding public only have pointed sticks to defend their properties etc...GREAT!.(Shieldwall-Plymouth-England)
That was great indeed. As a gun owning American it sickens me to see Brit and Aussie brothers n' arms stabbed in the back by treacherous politicians. Neville made a good point, if at some point you want to get your hands on some guns the hard way, just go to your local 'Weapons Cache'(oops, I meant mosque)and I'm sure you'll be able to pick out your gun of choice! Here in the US we may have good news coming with our Supreme Court, here is a link about it.
Great comments all-
It worries me more that they are saying once they take guns away from good people who obey the law- thats it! NO MORE!
No second chance unless you go into illegal crim activities.
Where's the outrage!
Great clip, 10men! Thanks for posting that.
All I can say is this: get hold of a good firearm any way you can, along with a large amount of ammunition and hide them.
The next step is for gun owners (those that are left, that is) and others concerned about civil liberties to form A SINGLE ORGANISATION and act as a lobby group--"no guns, no votes".
The Sporting Shoorter's Association in Australia is useless, since they accept the basic premise of the anti-gun nuts anyway, that guns and owners should be registered.
God help us KG.
Where's the money for this lobby group?
Anyone rich out there?
Come-on have some BALLS and don't be a tightass.
even the kid playing with his GI Joe toy (before it gets banned)will chip in $2.00 if it's done right the 1st time.
NRA in the U.S.A. I'm sure will team up & help lobby & support.
Australia's real election issue!
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Good post 10Men, I've thought about gun ownership and taking it up as a hobby, but like that fellow in the clip said, what's the point, i won't be able to use it anyway. They screwed us, the bastards.
The video has been moved into archives for Sep/oct somewhere.
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