Friday, June 22, 2007

Gears of War

Norman Podhoretz on Bombing Iran
Here’s an interview with Norman Podhoretz on his essay “The Case for Bombing Iran.”

Also read "No Substitute for Victory" by Dr John Lewis...


Blogger Abandon Skip said...

Iran is begging to be bombed, so give them what they want ... strategic bombing.

5:50 PM  
Blogger 10 men said...

The West is morally right to do so when the time comes.
For things to change around the world it needs to be a Nuke to stop the rot of Islamic totalitarianism by Iran and it's allys.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10men, although I agree we need to take decisive action against Iran, I'm worried about using nukes as I see it as a Pandora's box. America's used nukes before (the only party to ever use them before) but we all know the horrific results of using this weapon. If US is seen to be a cowboy or a loose cannon, the rest of the world is apt to turn on us and use nukes right back on us. It opens the possibilities for global Armageddon. Nukes should only be used as a last ditch effort or a retaliatory strike.

11:53 AM  
Blogger 10 men said...

Horrific results YES, better them than Israel or a western city.

Can't win a war on the defensive we need an offensive war.

The nukes in 1945 saved many lives and ended the war.

When somesone says they are going to destroy you, it's best to believe them.

The only bullies I've seen so far is Islam.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Ralph Buttigieg said...

G'day all,

Some time ago there was a place called the Soviet Union. It was a far, far, greater nuclear threat then Iran will ever be. That place is no more. It was destroyed largely through the actions of President Ronald Reagan who had the sense to see how weak totalitarian regimes really were. Surely if the USSR could be destroyed without having to bomb USSR, Iran can be brought down without a hot war. Use
similar methods, first Contain then squeeze.

Contain by erecting ABM systems around Iran. Render their missile ineffective. Then make it clear that any use of nuclear weapons in the world would be assumed to be caused by Iran and would lead to their immediate and total destruction. No time would be spent checking the actual origin of the bomb, Iran would just have the entire arsenal of a missile sub droped on it. You would effectively make them hostage to every nutjob dictator and terrorist in the world.

Squeeze them. Fund any dissendents. I understand their are various ethnic groups under the Persian islamist, encourage them the secede. Give them arms and money. Let the CIA take measures to harm their economy. Tighten economic and other sanctions.

The aim should be not the destruction of the Iranian people but the destruction of the Iranian Islamic Republic and its replacement with an government (or governments) which is not a threat to anyone.



4:36 PM  

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