Thursday, June 21, 2007

Internet Super Hwy

How Many Licks Does it Take To Get to the Center of the Internet?

The Internet may be referred to as the "information superhighway," but a better analogy might be an enormous, hulking Tootsie Roll pop.
Check out this colorful new Internet map (click the image to enlarge) from physicists at Tel-Aviv University in Israel and you’ll see what we mean.
It’s a mathematical representation of the pipes, routers and other bits of hardware that ferry data across the Web.
At the map’s red gooey center is a cluster of 100 networks operated by massive corporations like ATT Worldnet and Google.
Its purple crunchy outer shell consists mostly of small ISPs.
If want to learn more about the map and you’re undaunted by math speak like “k-shell decomposition,” “percolation theory,” and “fractal geometry,” download the paper. —Nicole Dyer
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How Many Licks Does it Take To Get to the Center of the Internet?:


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