Friday, May 04, 2007

Islamist Strategy in Sydney

Sharia for Kids in Sydney.

Getting ready for Sharia

Sharia is finding its way into mainstream life without being noticed by the vast majority of Australians.

There are some who are aware of its progress but chose to ignore it for various reasons. There could be small compromises required in getting a business deal with the UAE or Saudis , promises from the rich oil states of open markets in the Middle East if only our business elites make some ‘insignificant’ token gesture (e.g. allowing Sharia compliant banking), separate toilets for Muslims and Kuffar etc, etc, etc.

All this happens under the guise of the Islamist strategy based upon “please respect our faith” theme.
Our naïve and in most cases totally ignorant political and business leaders swallow this Islamist trick without blinking.


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