Tuesday, May 02, 2006

New British Elite Sniper Platoons

After 90 years, Army sets its sights on new sniper platoons
By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent

The British Army is to create an elite force of almost 700 snipers in a reorganisation of the infantry.

It will be the first time since the end of the First World War that formal platoons of sharpshooters have existed.

The decision follows the success of British and American sniper teams that have been responsible for killing dozens of terrorists on operations in Afghanistan and in Iraq over the past four years.It is understood that all of the Army's 38 infantry battalions will be required to create 18-man sniper platoons by 2008.

Historically, sniping has been regarded as a vital battlefield skill by the Parachute Regiment, the Royal Marines and the Special Air Service. But, until relatively recently, it was in danger of dying out in the rest of the Army through lack of use.Under the proposals, all potential snipers will have to pass a demanding nine-week training course at the School of Infantry in Brecon, south Wales.

Sniping is still regarded as a "niche" skill because so few soldiers possess the right qualities and only 40 per cent of those who are chosen for training actually pass.A competent pair of snipers can have a severe psychological impact on opposing forces by killing the commander and one or two officers.

This sows confusion and fear, hence senior officers describe snipers as "force multipliers" because of their disproportionate effect.Snipers usually work in pairs, with one judging the distance to the target and gauging the wind speed, while the other concentrates on killing the enemy. In addition to being expert in navigation, camouflage and concealment, snipers are also trained to reconnoitre potential target areas and "call in" artillery fire and air strikes.

During the Iraq War, a Royal Marine sniper killed an Iraqi gunman, who was holding up a British attack, with what was described as a "wonder shot".

Cpl Matt Hughes aimed 56ft to the left of the target, to allow for wind, and 35ft high to allow for a distance of 975 yards. The shot, which was fired from an L96 sniper rifle, hit the man in the chest and killed him instantly.

The bullet's trajectory was calculated by another sniper, who was acting as a "spotter", by watching the movement of dust in the breeze.Sgt Eddie Waring, a sniper with the Irish Guards, also revealed how he shot dead three Iraqi soldiers who were laying mines on a road in Basra in April, 2003.

Speaking at the time of the invasion, Sgt Waring said: "In Basra we were the British Army's eyes on the ground. We would take up a position in a tall building and log the number of enemy soldiers and weapons we could see. We'd stay away from the windows as we went up to the roof."As well as observing the Army, we were also taking out opportune targets.

The three Iraqis I killed were putting out anti-tank mines. I was taking a life to save lives. Each man would have caused casualties to my comrades."In another case, two snipers from the First Battalion of the Staffordshire Regiment provided covering fire from a helicopter, for troops who were patrolling through towns and villages of Maysan Province, one of the most dangerous areas in southern Iraq.

On another mission last year, snipers from the same unit were used to monitor covertly areas of the Iraqi desert that were being used by insurgents to fire rockets at British bases.

The longest recorded "kill" took place in Afghanistan, in March 2002, when a pair of Canadian snipers working with the United States special forces, killed a Taliban gunman at a range of 1.25 miles.