Tuesday, May 02, 2006

101st Fighting Keyboardists

Conservative Bloggers Fighting Back (cyber wars) ..

Captain Ed and Frank J from IMAO concerning the broadly used straw man from the left: "101st Fighting Keyboardists." I won't bother to link to any of the many lefty sites that are wearing this one thin. You know the usual argument: if you haven't enlisted in the services, you are a wimp and should shut up on all things military. Yeah, yeah, and FDR and Lincoln had no business being commander in chief too, I suppose. Please.

Here is the genesis from Ed:Frank J from IMAO and I want to try to steal a march on the port side of the blogosphere. We want to proudly usurp their insulting jargon and turn it against them, and have a little fun while we do it. We'd like to fully embrace the moniker "101st Fighting Keyboardists" and the chicken hawk as our mascot