Saturday, April 08, 2006

Prophetically Significant

Russia, China, Iran & the U.S.

Israel, U.S. Iranian 'Rope A Dope' Strategy Prophetically Significant -Bill Wilson's Jerusalem Interview

Article from

By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst

Wash—Apr 5—KIN—The United States and Israel are playing into prophetic fulfillment by adopting a strategy to use Russia and China to apply international diplomatic pressure on Iran to freeze its nuclear program while other, more effective options, can be developed. This “rope-a-dope” plan, however, may play into the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy that pits Russia and Iran against Israel in a latter-day military battle.

The U.S. and Israel have taken the posture that diplomacy should be exhausted before any military action should be employed in the Iranian nuclear showdown. Iran has also taken the strategy that all diplomacy should be exhausted pertaining to its situation. Both sides are saying that time, not action, breaks in their favor.

This, however, is a very dangerous strategy for the West because it favors Iran.

Iran believes that if it negotiates long enough, it will stall any United Nations sanctions against it while the rogue nation develops its nuclear program.

The U.S. and Israel believe that Russia and China will pressure Iran to freeze its nuclear program. The idea is that, if successful, enough time will be bought to activate another, more viable solution in the future.

Spokesman for the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mark Regev told Koenig’s International News, “If through international pressure, you are not going to change the mindset of that extremist regime, but you are slowing down that process, you are buying time and other things are going to happen...If we could have a diplomatic solution that could freeze the program to slow it down ten years, that’s ten years of breathing space and then you could work on other solutions.” Regev said, “Politics in the real world is doing what is possible and not waiting for perfect solutions.”

Regev said that the U.S. and Israel are counting on Russia and China to pressure Iran into freezing its nuclear program. He said he hopes the Europeans, Russians, the Chinese and a strong international coalition will unite and say to the Iranian regime, “either you cease your aggressive nuclear program or you burn your bridges with the organized community of nations.” The Russians and Chinese, however, are so far not on board with intensifying pressure on Iran, although Regev believes that even though the Russians are helping Iran build its nuclear program, Russia does not believe it’s in the best interest of Russia that Iran has a nuclear weapon.

History, however, would dictate otherwise. Russia always has been a cunning power player in the Middle East and it now wants to re-establish itself to its former Soviet powerbase in the area. While America and Israel may believe Russia doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons, Russia may believe that by helping Iran join the nuclear club, Russia will benefit as an ally to Iran.

And prophecy would also confirm this strategy because Ezekiel 38 says that Gog, modern Russia, and Persia, modern Iran, will come against Israel. The Lord says in Ezekiel 38:16, “You shall come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days.” We move closer each day to the fulfillment of this prophecy. Are you moving closer to Christ?