Thursday, October 29, 2015
You Choose
The Evil of Gun-free Zones Selwyn Duke Liberals either never
think their policies through or just couldn’t care less as long as their
laws only hurt others. More
Game Plan for Taking Back Our Kids Lloyd Marcus Donald Trump and Ben Carson are
leading the way. More
The End of the Progressive
Century - Fritz Pettyjohn
Cracking Borders
Demographics a threat to Europeans
In full: Tony
Abbott delivers 2015 Margaret Thatcher Lecture
from Andrew Bolt's blog below:
Column -
Abbott warns Europe to fight or lose
SEEMING good, achieving evil. Tony Abbott has
nailed the truth of Europe’s surrender to an army of illegal immigrants.
Yet the deposed prime minister was again
abused by the media for trying to defend the West.
Why is Amnesty
International trying to crack our borders?
Now Amnesty
International, once devoted to helping “prisoners of conscience”, is wasting
donated money to stop Australia from turning back boats of illegal immigrants:
“This is a very dangerous and profoundly undemocratic idea, and must not
be replicated in Europe or elsewhere.”
Ah. Is
that it, then? Amnesty is trying to stop Europe from replicating the kind of
policies that stop the boats? Amnesty wants this astonishing and dangerous
invasion of Europe to continue - the invasion that has so far brought 1 million
illegal immigrants to Europe in just two years?