Saturday, October 11, 2008

U.S. Freedom - On the Line

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Americans are finally realizing we are on the verge of losing our country to the Socialists and Communists.

"I'm mad! I'm really mad! "When you have Obama, [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and the rest of the hooligans up there going to ruin the country, we have to have our head examined!"

"It's time that you two represent the rest of us. So go get 'em!"

McCain-Palin Rally in Waukesha, WI


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I repeat...HOW THE FUCK IS THIS GUY WINNING THE ELECTION? Have the American people gone mad?

Because the People think this is American Idol, and Bambi is the best performer.


The real danger of the financial crisis.

It's not a general economic collapse like the Great Depression.

It's that this crisis is being manipulated by those who would persuade an American population poorly educated in economic fundamentals and history, and used to instant gratification, that capitalism is a failure (despite having created the wealthiest nation and wealthiest GLOBAL civilization in history) and that they should embrace full-blown socialism.

This crisis is being manipulated to convince Americans to willingly sell themselves into slavery to a global nanny state.

And currently, a huge percentage of Americans seem all too willing to surrender the last vestiges of their individual freedom for the sake of "economic security."

FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. And keep fighting whether McCain wins or not.

The victory always goes to those with the greater will to win. Never forget ... the Soviet Union DID fall. That didn't turn out as we'd hoped, but it DID collapse. If this country goes socialist, we CAN overturn it, because socialism will fail and people will see its failure. And unlike Russia, we have a history of freedom and capitalism to return to.


Laura Ingraham Interviews Sarah Palin

: Top 10 rules in the Quran that oppress women


Barack Obama … Good for Socialists … Bad for Americans

Obama’s ties to ACORN run long and deep.

From Hillbuzz:

Republicans and centrist Democrats are joined together on this effort to get the truth out about Obama before the November election. We firmly believe in McCain’s victory and do not believe it hinges on any developments with RICO. The polls, in our opinon, are wrong, and the internal numbers we see coming out of NC, VA, PA, OH, IN and FL show McCain wins in all of those states (there is no mathematical possibility for Obama to win without taking PA, OH, or FL). We believe after McCain’s win there will be a continued prosecution of Obama and members of the Democratic party for voter fraud under RICO statutes in the months and years ahead. ACORN and leftist Democrats have gone too far this time — for years ACORN has engineered deliberate election fraud using taxpayer dollars funneled to it by Democrats. This time, with both Democrats and Republicans joined against them, ACORN Is going down…and we believe it will ultimately take Obama, Axelrod, and most of today’s Democratic leadership down with it.


Read it all.


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