Sunday, October 19, 2008

Freedom Fighter Ladies of Oct 2008

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin - "We don't have to apologize for being Americans!"

Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann Hammers Obama for "Anti-American" Associations

After saying she is “very concerned that he [Obama] may have anti-American views,” Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) went on to say that "the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look -- I wish they would -- I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America? I think people would love to see an expose like that."


A web comment about friends :

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

We all choose our friends, America. We choose them because we have things in common with them. We share the same values, the same morals, sometimes, even the same friends.
The “Messiah of Islam” chose as some of his friends…Rev Wright, William Ayers, Father Flagler and Louis Farrakhan.
All of these individuals, his friends, also share something else. A common thread amongst them…they all want to see the United States government destroyed and destroyed from within.
In addition, these friends of the “Messiah of Islam” are endorsing him for his presidential bid for the White House…the highest office in our land. The Office that oversees the government of the United States of America that they want to overthrow with him at the helm to help them do it!
Not only does he have anti-American (against America) friends here, he also has supporters from abroad that are endorsing his bid for the Presidency. Castro, Putin, Al-Quaida, Hamas, Hezbollah and let us not forget the biggest terrorist of them all…responsible for the 9/11 attacks on our country that cost over 3,000 American lives…
Osama Bin Laden. Each of these terrorists have said they would like to see our government overthrown from within and they are throwing their endorsement to the “Messiah of Islam”!
Now, America, is this the kind of man you want as your President? The man that has friends and endorsements from terrorists who hate us and want to see us destroyed?
This man never answers any of the questions about these relationships…only that “he hardly knows them”…”that was not the man I knew”…lies…lies…and more lies…on top of more lies! America, this man is dangerous and he is hiding alot of things yet to be revealed.
He wants to silence Fox News because it is the only news network that is not in the tank for him. He put out “truth squads” in Missouri to squash free speech from anyone that did not agree with him or said something about him he didn’t like!
America…we cannot afford to have this man in the highest office in our land overseeing our democracy! It will be the end of our democracy and our freedoms!
This week I cast my early vote for the only “all American” candidates for the office of the Presidency…President Elect McCain and Vice President Elect Palin.
Together they bring honor and integrity to the White House and friends that are loyal to the United States of America and it’s citizens. Friends who want to see America and it’s freedoms continued not destroyed as the anti-American friends of the “Messiah of Islam”.
Join with me in keeping America the land of the free and the home of the brave!


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