JW/DW Digest 26th, 27th July 2008

Soldiers of the 24th Transportation Battalion practice 'stabbing' the beachhead with the initial piece of the Army's Trident Pier July 18 on Camp Pendleton, Calif. The Army Trident Pier is one of three piers used during Joint Logistics Over the Shore Exercise "Pacific Strike" a joint exercise moving 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division's equipment to the National Training Center.
Jihad Watch / Dhimmi Watch Digest
Sunday, July 27, 2008
***** JIHAD WATCH *****
Home page: <http://jihadwatch.org/>
Ibrahim: Islam's appeal and Captain Hook
In recent headlines, three American converts to IslamÂ-Gregory Patterson, Levar Wasington, and Kevin JamesÂ-were recently arrested and tried for intending to wage jihad against the U.S. They are by no means the first American converts to Islam to go...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021957.php>
Grover Norquist: "Spencer hates Muslims"
A week or so ago Ed Morrissey put up a post at Hot Air lauding Grover Norquist for his work for tax reform. I added this comment: Grover Norquist has been responsible, more than any other individual, for the infiltration...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021954.php>
India: Second serial bombing in two days
"Suspicion is already falling on Islamist militants intent on destabilizing India by fanning tensions between Hindus and Muslims..." Breaking reports point to higher casualties and more bombs than reported below. "Seven bombs hit India's Ahmedabad, two killed," by Rupam Jain...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021955.php>
Iraq: "Vengeful" women increasingly engaging in suicide attacks
Despairing women and the craven men who exploit them -- is this what the "great" jihad has come to? "US says women suicide bombers seeking revenge in Iraq," from AFP, July 26:BAQUBA, Iraq (AFP) Â- In the war-ravaged streets of...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021952.php>
ISNA, NAIT admit ties to Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas
A very significant update on this story: in trying to get themselves off the uninidicted co-conspirator list in a Hamas funding case, two of the leading Islamic organizations in the U.S. admit that they have been connected with the Muslim...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021951.php>
Somali jihadists denounce "recent peace talks," prepare to renew jihad
They must be getting stronger again, no longer in need to feign an interest in "peace talks" with their "apostate" countrymen -- which, according to sunna, is to be resorted to only when jihadists are weak, needing time to regroup....
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021950.php>
"Islam is no more immune from criticism or mockery than Christianity, Judaism or Scientology"
Or at least it shouldn't be. There are some terrific points made along these lines in "Nobody Is Murdered for Christian or Jewish Satire" in the Wall Street Journal letters section, July 26 (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist) -- and...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021949.php>
***** DHIMMI WATCH *****
Home page: <http://jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/>
1/3 of UK Muslims believe murder in the name of Islam is justifiable, according to new pollAnd the other 2/3 are perhaps engaging in taqiyya. "Killing for religion is justified, say third of Muslim students," by Patrick Sawer, for the Telegraph, July 26:A third of Muslim students in Britain believe killing someone in the name of...
Full article:<http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021956.php>
"The Islamic regime greatly fears the women, because they are considered a symbol of change"
"They were even escorted when they went to the toilet, as if they were dangerous terrorists or spies that had arrived from Europe to try and overthrow the Iranian regime." "Iran: Film on female footballers exposes more about regime," from...
Full article:<http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021953.php>
Jihad Watch / Dhimmi Watch Digest
Saturday, July 26, 2008
***** JIHAD WATCH *****
Home page: <http://jihadwatch.org/>
The Muslim Brotherhood: Now on Facebook
Forget Scrabulous, will there be a Halal or Haram application? "Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood goes on-line on Facebook," from Adnkronos International, July 25: Cairo, 25 July (AKI) - The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has launched a discussion forum on Facebook, the...Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021947.php>
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