Saturday, May 24, 2008

Oriana Fallaci Square

Rest In Peace, Oriana. And thank you for your intellect and your defence of freedom. Your courage and persistence is an inspiration. We will carry on and defeat Jihad.

Proud Infidel

Here's a poignant paragraph from "Rage and Pride"--

"In this world there is room for everybody, I say. In one’s own home, everyone is free to do what they please. If in some countries the women are so stupid to accept the chador, or the veil where they have to look through a thick net at eye level, worse for them. If they are so idiotic to accept not going to school, not going to the doctor, not letting themselves be photographed etcetera, well worse for them. If they are so foolish as to marry a prick that wants four wives, too bad for them. If their men are so silly as to not drink beer, wine, ditto. I am not going to be the one to stop them. Far from it! I have been educated in the concept of liberty, and my mother used to say: “the world is beautiful because it is varied”. But, if they demand to impose these things on me, in my house… and they do demand it. Osama Bin Laden affirms that the entire planet Earth must become Muslim, that we must convert to Islam, that either by convincing us or threatening us, he will convert us, and for that goal he massacres us and will continue to massacre us. This cannot please us. It has to give us a great desire to reverse roles and kill him. However, this will not resolve itself, it will not be exhausted with the death of Osama Bin Laden. This is because the Osama Bin Ladens number in the tens of thousands now and they are not confined to the Arabic countries. They are everywhere, and the most militant are in the West. In our cities, our streets, our universities, in the nerve centers of our technology. That technology that any obtuse can manage. The Crusade has been underway for a while. It works like a Swiss watch, sustained by a faith and a malice which compares only to the malice of Torquemada when he led the Inquisition. In fact it is impossible to deal with them. To reason with them, unthinkable. To treat them with indulgence or tolerance or hope, is suicide. Anyone who believes the contrary, is deluding himself"

Oriana Fallaci

Oriana Fallaci Square Replaces Mosque

Following Silvio Berlusconi's return as Prime Minister, Italy has taken another step in the right direction.

Gates of Vienna offers a translation from La Repubblica:

VERONA — Goodbye mosque. In its place, Oriana Fallaci Square.

This decision was taken by the committee of Oppeano (Verona), where yesterday morning a building used by Muslims for prayer was bulldozed. In its place, the Municipality will create a public square named after the writer of The Rage and the Pride, which promoted a bitter campaign against Islam.

The decision to raze the structure which had been opened by ONLUS [translator's note: Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilita' Sociale, a non-profit registered Italian charity] "For the success of Muslims", was taken by the municipal administration, which acquired the area for €70,000 in order to transform it into an open area for parking and green space.

During WWII, Oriana Fallaci fought with partisans against totalitarianism. Later she continued the struggle by calling attention to the Islamization of Europe. She was rewarded with jail time for criticizing Islam, and by having her books banned by City Lights.

Tragically, she died of cancer in 2006. But Italy is still alive. It's starting to look like it plans to stay that way.

Oriana Fallaci, deservingly honored.


Related from JW:

Buy her books. Give them to your friends and coworkers. Explain to them why she said -- as is quoted in the obituary linked above -- that "Europe becomes more and more a province of Islam, a colony of Islam." Explain to them why that matters for so much that they hold dear. Enlist them also in the anti-jihad resistance.

And when we prevail, we will be able to memorialize her fittingly, as a light that shone in our darkest days.

May her memory be eternal.


May the free world, and all of Europe in particular, soon recognize how valiantly and articulately she fought against jihad and dhimmitude, and may Europe honor her memory by seceding from the "Eurabia" in which it has allowed itself to become a colony.

God bless her.


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