Saturday, April 12, 2008

NOOB 101


Here are 30 ways to tell if YOU are a noob.


1. If you do not know what a noob is.
2. If you don't know which button is fire.
3. If you are using AOL anything.
4. If you beg for ingame currency..
5. If you quit early or leave before the raid boss.
6. If you cannot find the power button on your computer because it has an opening door.
7. If you bought a game only to find out its multiplayer only.
8. If you think the PS2 has better gfx than the PC.
9. If you spawn kill.
10. If you don't know what Direct X is.
11. If you TK.
12. If you do not know how to use BBcode.
13. If you cannot find your way around a map.
14. If you play MMORPGs to argue with people.
15. If you forgot which team you are on.
16. If you don't know what a TK is.
17. If you don't have a firewall or antivirus program.
18. If you follow people around a map because you dont know where to go.
19. If you think pacman is too old to play.
20. If you think everyone is stealing your kills.
21. YoU'rE OnE iF yOu TyPe LiKe ThIs.
22. If you play runescape.
23. If you call yourself a steam administrator on xfire.
24. If you dont know what 1337 is.
25. If you think runescape was THE best game ever.
26. If you dont know how to talk in 1337.
27. If you lose and blame H4X0RS.
28. If you think you died because of lag.
29. If you think you lost because of your team.
30. If you pull the plug.


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