Saturday, February 16, 2008

Great Minds

Jihad Watch 52

Aussie jihadists had book saying 9/11 was "one of the greatest victories that has ever been perpetrated in the name of Islam"
But of course, this has nothing to do with Islam. Everyone knows that. "It is all designed to incite would-be pursuers of jihad to pursue violent jihad and to stir themselves to get on and do it." Of course, British.. Full article:<>

Spencer: Defending the West in American Universities
In FrontPage yesterday I reviewed Ibn Warraq's superb new book, Defending the West: With jihad terrorists around the world making recruits and justifying their actions by reference to Islamic teachings, academic study of Islam is needed more urgently than...Full article: <>

Amsterdam mayor: Discrimination against women is OK -- if Muslims do it
"The statements of the [mayor] show that the city of Amsterdam is creating a parallel systems for Muslims, by Muslims and based on Muslim values." Klein Verzet (thanks to the Constantantinopolitan Irredentist) has the report: ...The mayor told this after...Full article: <>

Mark Steyn Interview on Islam and the West (Part 1)

Mark Steyn Interview on Islam and the West (Part 2)

Mark Steyn Interview on Islam and the West (Part 3)

Mark Steyn Interview on Islam and the West (Part 4)


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