Friday, February 01, 2008

For Love of Life

For the love of life


The guy driving in the video is Paul McKeever. Paul's assertion that soldiers are not sent into battle to die for their country, to 'sacrifice' as he puts it, but to live. The act of dying in a war benefits only the enemy.
As General Patton once bellowed, wars aren't won by dying for your country, but by making the enemy die for his. Soldiers don't fight for King, God and Country. They fight for each other. They fight to affirm the value of human life and for liberty.
Armies don't exist to 'sacrifice' themselves, they exist to kill enemy soldiers and destroy enemy infrastructure. Soldiers are not glorified social workers with a rifle. To fight, survive and complete the objective whatever the cost is what drives a soldier.

Peace, Peace When There Is No Peace

Peace is not secured by endless rounds of negotiations and by bleeding and conceding (Israeli gov't please take note). It is secured by bayonet and rifle and by bombs and bullets. Understand I'm not opposed to negotiations per se, but when you choose to negotiate you do so from a postion of strength, not weakness.
Your freedom was secured by the shedding of human blood, whether it be on the battlefields of Europe or by Christ's sacrifice at Calvary. Freedom is a gift of God, not of government. The 'peace at any cost' Left will never get it. It is too advanced a concept for them to understand. It is no wonder I get frustrated at our leader's blissful ignorance of military history.
Johnny Cash


Blogger Francis W. Porretto said...

"Freedom is a gift of God, not of government. The 'peace at any cost' Left will never get it. It is too advanced a concept for them to understand."

Bravo, with one minor quibble.

Those on the Left are no more uniform than we. Some are unintelligent, and thus fail to understand. But some are intelligent and reject our premise. They want power over us and will have no truck with any argument to the contrary.

The former sort are largely private citizens whose harms to us occur solely in the voting booth. The latter are the strategists, activists, and office-seekers. The two varieties must be dealt with quite differently.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Peace at any cost" is a flawed statement. Peace is the measure of how many people live, while "any cost" denotes that any number of people may die. They're mutually exclusive.

To Francis W Porretto:
It's very nice to see that at least one person with a completely flawed way of viewing society, and the lives of the people in it, has understood that like the left, the right consists mostly of morons who fail to understand.

But, well... This is inflammatory. It's ironic also that the author of the blog speaks bravely about sacrificing lives other than his own to his ultimate goal of freedom under God.

4:53 AM  

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