Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Views on Hope

Fear & Hope for the future of mankind.

Moving Beyond Fear:Survival Skills for the Real World
We ask notable Europeans what they do to overcome their fears, and what gives them hope.
Garry Kasparov
Russian, political opposition leader, former world chess champion
What in our society worries you most?

A lack of direction, and this is due to a lack of leadership. Those from whom we traditionally expect guidance and decisiveness have instead become followers. They follow polls and talking points instead of ideals and they avoid any decision of consequence.
Western morality and freedoms are being dragged down because our supposed leaders use them as bargaining chips instead of fighting for them.
How do you deal with it?
I write about it, shout about it, march against it! Wherever and whenever I can, I attempt to rally people to the causes of leadership and democratic values. We must collectively stop complaining and choose leaders who will actually lead.
What gives you hope for the future?
A belief that mankind deserves better and that it will live up to its potential when the opportunity arises. A combination of morality and technology -- both aspects of human inspiration -- will be required for our civilization to survive on its own terms, and not for the first time in human history.


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