Saturday, September 22, 2007

Please, Let's Roll.

Aurora has a post up at The Midnight Sun about the worrying direction Russia's taking, making her look more and more like the "old" Soviet Union.

Francis Porretto at Eternity Road has reached the conclusion that the only choices when dealing with the islamists are quarantine or genocide--a remarkable statement, coming from a man known for his intellect and reasoned approach.

We're at a turning point in history.

Right now.

Not next year or the next.

Right now.

Consider these: Our societies are under attack from within, from islamists preaching hate of the culture that shelters them, to a media which seems determined to devalue and emasculate the very qualities that made Western culture great.
Teachers are indoctrinating kids with the filth of Marxist theory and parents are being systematically disempowered, the effect of which is raise kids ignorant of history, ignorant of the traditions upon which a culture relies for it's self-esteem and therefore it's survival.

Institutions such as marriage and the Christian churches face a constant barrage of ridicule and denigration, leaving people adrift and prey to whatever the latest leftist fad may be--and the latest lefty fad is never anything that strengthens our societies.

China is becoming wealthy enough to undermine Western interests in Africa and the Middle East, pouring arms and destabilisation into both regions.

A nutter in Tehran has openly stated his intention to wipe Israel off the map and the West is paralyzed.North Korea plays games of terror and nuclear blackmail and we appease them.

The U.N. is no more than a club for totalitarians and we finance them, even as millions die as a result of their corrupt inaction.

We tolerate traitors in the media and academia who are doing their best to impose their rotten Marxist agenda on the West. Convergence, people.

Communism, islamism, progressivism, liberalism--no doubt lefties will argue about the labels, because that's what they've learned to do. But labels are just a distraction. They are allies and they form the Enemy because their goals in just one important respect are IDENTICAL--the destruction of Western civilisation.

As Mr. Porretto says, "quarantine or genocide". We're out of options.

Prediction: the first mushroom cloud will appear somewhere within the next five years.

H/T To All:


Blogger KG said...

Thanks for that 10MEN--and your post format is far better than mine was. Much more effective.

8:31 AM  
Blogger 10 men said...

KG the post is a great combo of Western teamwork.

heading- an lgf comment

pic- military personal

text- bloggers & freedom lovers

post- democracy in action

God Bless the West

8:54 AM  
Blogger Yankee Doodle said...

It's been a while since I stopped in.

The pictures have always been first-rate here, but what was missing way back when was some words. You've got that now!

Great post, great job, great blog!

By the way, some weeks ago, when Gates of Vienna was looking for counterjihad blogs from Australia, I proudly mentioned you and The Midnight Sun. :)

10:31 AM  
Blogger Aurora said...

10men, thanks for the link. I agree, KG. He's put it up well. Very visual blog. But good impacting story from KG.

10:31 AM  
Blogger Aurora said...

Yankee, your comment hit as I was posting mine. I'll have to go check that out (at GOV). Thanks for that.

10:36 AM  
Blogger 10 men said...

Thanks KG, Francis, Yankee & Aurora and many many others,

If it wasn't for good writers this blog wouldn't be here. Fortress Australia owes so much to so many.

I'm just slaping posts together pics & text to help educate, inspire, support our troops and share with you all.

Remember this site is FREE FOR ALL!

cheers for popping in.

3:08 PM  
Blogger MathewK said...

love the pic, great paint job they did there..

6:59 PM  

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