Thursday, August 09, 2007

Bikers Rule

Speeding essential, say bikers
By Mark Schliebs
August 09, 2007 12:45pm
RIDING at double the speed limit, "bending" road rules and "pushing the limits" are just part of riding safely, according to many Australian motorcyclists.

An investigation into the behaviour of riders has revealed a belief among many motorcyclists that breaking the law was actually safer than abiding by road rules. According to the study by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), “some riders considered (bending the road rules was) an essential part of maintaining their safety”.

“The concept of pushing one’s limits on the motorcycle was a common theme in the discussions and appeared to be considered a normal part of riding behaviour,” the ATSB report said.

Stunts not uncommon

The report said that while young men were more likely to admit to performing “stunts”, there was no clear demographic for riding at high speeds. “Both males and females, older and younger, appeared to enjoy riding fast,” it said.

“Most riders interviewed did not appear to regard riding at very high speeds - (for example) more than double the speed limit - as intrinsically unsafe. “The general consensus seemed to be that safe high-speed riding involved planning the time and place so as to minimise risk.”

Skilled riders "overconfident"

The ATSB said a better rider training program was needed to reduce “risky” riding behaviours, but it admitted that there could be some consequences to providing more skills to riders. “It is possible that rider training may cause some riders to become overconfident in their abilities, resulting in a discrepancy between their perceived and actual limits.

“Therefore, rider training initiatives which improve a rider’s skill may benefit from the addition of a personal education component which provides riders with higher-order planning, cognitive, and self monitoring skills.”

The Psychological and Social Factors Influencing Motorcycle Rider Intentions and Behaviour report also recommended that more be done to change the attitudes of motorcyclists.

Every Biker Rides to Survive!!


Blogger KG said...

I was a mad-keen biker for years and for sure, to ride safely it's necessary to be going faster than other traffic and to bend the rules.
A law-abiding biker is no more than a bloody target for tin-top drivers with brain in neutral, bugger-all awareness of the road surface and no consideration for bikers.

6:54 AM  
Blogger 10 men said...

Speed needs a total rethink in attitude. eg Germany is mature about it. How about blaming the low speed of vehicles on global warming.

It's like guns- the attitude is to blame them instead of the evil doers who use them to kill. Guns also save lives.

11:59 AM  

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