Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Great UK Sell-Out

Keith Best is anything BUT.
Overseeing the Obliteration of the British Nation
A great empire is destroyed from within, not without. For example, a British passport is handed out to someone who is not British every five minutes. This frantic pace amounts to colonization, and given the relatively low birthrate of native Brits, will soon result in the eradication of the British nation. This tragedy has been facilitated by the bureaucratic abomination known as the Immigration Advisory Service, into which British taxpayers have been compelled to shovel £millions upon £millions.
The head of the IAS is former Tory MP Keith Best, who thinks the displacement of Britons is a good thing. He has actually proclaimed that immigrants are "better citizens than people born with a British passport."
These "better citizens" include radical cleric Abu Hamza, who was finally thrown in jail last year for incitement to murder (and who has seven children), as well as July 21 bomb ringleader Muktar Said Ibrahim, who was granted citizenship despite a string of criminal convictions. Even known murderers and rapists are granted citizenship if they complete a "clear period" without getting caught doing it again.
But this isn't enough for the IAS, which wants a Bush–Kennedy–McCain style amnesty for illegal aliens, to make sure the colonizers flood in all the faster.
More than £250,000 per week of taxpayer money flows into Best's bureaucracy. Having your own nation washed away in a Muslim flood doesn't come cheap.
Meanwhile, moonbats continue to demand that British families have no more than two children — below the replacement rate — to combat the fictional menace of global warming.



Blogger MathewK said...

Damn leftists, never rest until it's all gone down in flames, then they'll sit and wonder what happened, no worries, they just need more money thrown at it for next time at the next place.

9:59 AM  
Blogger 10 men said...

I wish this story was on the big screen at a big football match in the UK...

The poweful roar of the crowd is the strongest voice England has.

Hard to ignore-

So soccer fans in the UK-

Save your country!!!

11:29 AM  

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