Thursday, June 28, 2007

God Speak- Lightning


The Bible is alive if we realize that God speaks through the nature around us.
It's that time of year, and when we ran an article recently about a bolt of lightning that struck at a most curious point during a presidential debate (yes, during an answer about abortion), we heard from many of you about your own experiences.

And why not?
It is biblical.
Job 36:30: "Behold, He spreads His lightning about Him."
Job 36:32: "He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark."
Job 37:3: "Under the whole heaven He lets it loose, and His lightning to the ends of the earth."
It seems that God sends lightning to punctuate, to spur, to warn; can we not take it that way?

He cast Satan down as "lightning" or "like lightning" (Luke 10:18). The devil also seems to use it -- now that he is down here and "prince of the power of the air."

So there is also the whirlwind! But we'll stay with the lightning for now.

"I have no doubt about it being a sign," writes one believer, Jim Hepler. "A few years after I converted to the Faith, in the mid-90's, I was at the Good Friday Afternoon Services at St. Louis Church in Clarksville, Maryland.

"At literally the exact second during the readings that the earthly death of Jesus was proclaimed, lightning struck a power pole to the rear of the Church. The lights went out and due to the proximity of the bolt the entire church shook from the strength and loudness of the thunder.

"Needless to say, there was a collective gasp and all present were awestruck. I will never forget this experience. It would be foolish and imprudent to say this was mere 'coincidence.' Every Good Friday, I personally remember this experience, and it reminds me of what it must have been like to be truly there at Golgotha on the real day, when similar events happened."

"On the subject of lightning, I had an experience with it at the very beginning of my conversion, before I was even admitted to the Catholic Church," writes Craig Adams from Perth, Australia.

"It was at a time when the Holy Spirit was working very powerfully in my life, leading me towards Jesus.
Leaders Wanted MUST have the Following:
We need men that have deep and abiding faith in God right now, not problem solvers, not guys with money and ambition. We need men like a Moses...reluctant leaders, but those chosen by God, and not by man. Men that serve something higher than themselves, or history, or ideology. Men that know good and evil, and do not waver from calling evil for what it is, and standing up to that evil. Men that are not diplomats, but men that speak the truth, and care not one bit if they are popular.
comment from lgf


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