Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Physical Caliphate in Iraq Objective

World Civilization

Coming Soon: The ‘Voice of the Caliphate' Radio

Last seen in Turkey. Today a new push for Bagdad.

Once Again, the Caliphate

The Times of London notes the increasing importance the al Qaeda-affiliated groups on Iraq are placing on establishing a militant Islamist state in the Sunni regions of Iraq.
Evan Kohlmann has a translation of a leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq, where an important theme is, again, the conquest of specific territory in order to establish the beginnings of God’s kingdom on earth.

These two fragments are but a small sampling of the growing, overt emphasis that the jihadists place on establishing the physical caliphate on earth. It is not, in their minds, a fantasy, but a real and concrete objective to be achieved in conjunction with the divinely-blessed move toward spreading jihad across the globe.

Read the rest:

links on the Caliphate agenda-







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