Pay a price for being biased

Biased cabbies face fines
By Heath Aston and wires
May 24, 2007 12:00
By Heath Aston and wires
May 24, 2007 12:00
TAXI drivers who refuse to carry blind people with guide dogs face fines of up to $1100, the NSW Government warned today amid outrage at the biased practice.
Transport Minister John Watkins today warned of a crackdown on selective cabbies after he Daily Telegraph revealed some drivers were refusing to pick up guide dogs for "religious" reasons or because of allergies.
He said the government was committed to ensuring that all taxi drivers were aware of and complied with the law - and would consider changing the training program.
"I need to make the point very clear to the taxi industry and to taxi drivers. This is illegal, with a fine of up to $1,100," Mr Watkins told reporters in Newcastle.
"I've made sure the Ministry of Transport contacts the Taxi Council to remind their drivers of their responsibility.
"We'll also look at the education – all taxi drivers receive a session with a disability service advocate as part of their training.
"I also urge any patron that finds or comes across a refusal to travel, to report them."
A spokeswoman for Deputy Premier John Watkins said he would look into implementing better training programs in cooperation with the NSW Taxi Council.
A Guide Dogs NSW spokeswoman said the organisation had been providing information sessions for new taxi drivers for the past two years.
In my experience most dogs are cleaner than Sydney taxi drivers!!
I hope they fine these assholes right out of existence!
Yeah & fast! Because next is grog then it's wash room at the airport, then it's prayer rooms at the airport and on and on it goes.
If they fined the taxi company's $100,000 that will stop it quick smart.
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