Tuesday, April 17, 2007

U.S. Shootings- VTech

The VT shootings come on the heels of the Virginia legislature exempting university campuses from recent changes in the law which make it easier to carry concealed weapons. Experts agree that no student was legally armed and prepared to defend themselves or their classmates from the psycopathic killer.
-Jawa Report Comment
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I don’t want to ignore the terrible news of the day, the shootings at Virginia Tech. But I’ll be brief until I know more.
Details are extremely spotty, except to say that now the death toll has risen to thirty-two, and that there were at least two venues—a dorm and a classroom—for the killings.
It goes almost without saying that this is a horrific event, and that the grief and shock are immense. It also is clear to me that we’ve grown somewhat accustomed to such news these days.
Predictions can be made. The 24-hour cable news cycle will thrive on the event. That’s not to say the press is especially hard-hearted or unmoved; it’s just that it’s a Big Story, and must be covered. Rumors will abound until things are sorted out, which will take days if not weeks.
Those on different sides of the gun control issue will solidify their positions: too many guns, too few guns, that was the reason. There will be revelations about the life of the shooter, who will most likely have been a loner or misfit of some sort or other. Europe will wag on about how terribly violent the entire US is. And parents in this country will hug their children a little tighter.
I’m talking in this instance about the futility and impotence of most forms of gun control. There is no way to draft a law that will be truly effective in keeping weapons out of the hands of criminals and crazy people.
Guns cannot and should not be banned; the population needs to be able to bear arms for the very reasons implied (although not explicitly spelled out) in the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
And, if criminals and psychotics can easily obtain weapons on the black market (which they most assuredly can, just as anyone who wanted to drink could easily obtain liquor during Prohibition), then there’s no reason to keep law-abiding citizens from having them too, for self-defense as well as sport.
Yes, a gun was involved here, and would that the shooter had never had access to it. But he did, either legally or illegally. And, given that, it stands to reason it would have been a good thing had someone in that crowd of students been armed and trained, as well.
I am often reminded, of all things, of the story of Sleeping Beauty. Whatever am I talking about? Just this: you can burn all the spindles in the land, but you can never get them all. And rest assured, the ones that remain will fall into the hands of those eager to do evil.
-A comment from LGF
What we know is this... it is a very sad day at VTech and a human piece of refuse callousley murdered over 30 people. And also that it could have been prevented by a law-abiding CCW holder. Don't blame the games, music, movies, magazines, comic books.... makes you sound like a lib. Blame the guy that actually did it.


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