Thursday, February 22, 2007

Debate & Relate Aust

Crocodile Dundee - Knife

"Debate and Relate" is dedicated to providing a forum for meaningful communication with a distinctly Australian style, in an era where the Australian identity is under siege.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, we have to figure out what that Australian identity actually IS.

That is the difficult part.

Once we HAVE though, then defend it we shall...or defend it then figure it out...honestly we'll never actually figure that part lets just make it up as we go, and make new arrivals shoot another migrant to PROVE their loyalty to the flag and the queen...unless you're republican..then just the flag...ignoring the imperialistic section...or if you're an abo then not the flag..ummmm lets just brush the abo's under the carpet along with our own heritage of immigration.

But yeah, let's save our mutlicultural Australian identity being taken over, railroaded...DESTROYED!!!, by people from other cultures?!?!?.

Immigrant bastards....not my immigrant heritage lol


10:40 AM  
Blogger 10 men said...

I think the Australian ID is simply tolorance, respect, and freedom & democracy plus dry humour & wit. I try to keep it simple most things are.

It's a pity Muslims have been hijacked by radical clerics teaching intolorance & pursuing the Islamic goal of global takeover & the logic of unbelievers vs believers.
- it's simply(unAustralian)

Islam in Australia needs to sever the ties of 7th century thinking via Saudi money & books infecting the young. It might be too late for some I fear.

A 21st century minded Muslim in Australia has never had it so good. Most apreciate that but in all education is the key.

Aussie clerics need to be funded by the local community in Australia as is the case now in the ACT.

I have much faith in John Howard, he is on the ball.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this, 10men -- you are very kind!

As for the old, "Australia doesn't have a culture routine" what a load of absolute poppycock, Pete.

There are two factors which complicate it:

Firstly, when you're born in a pond that you have spent your entire life swimming in, the things in that culture which make it unique (ir its points of difference) can be very difficult to define.

Secondly, Australia and America were both settled by Britain. We have our roots in British stock and British heritage, and that does mean that the three nations share many common traits, attitudes, and outlooks (much of this dates back to the Magna Carta, and the wonderful democratic processes and rules of law which we hold dear). So there are real similarities and this is what makes Britain, America and Australia such strong friends and allies.

The argument which attempts to force one to 'define Australian culture' is quite the red herring, because in black and white the differences can appear petty.

But I'll name one, by way of example.

Pete, why don't you find yourself a British or American tourist, and drive him out into the Outback -- out to those areas where you can drive for mile after mile, without seeing a damn sole...until suddenly, from across the horizon, a car appears.

As the car appraoches, what does one do (well, I dunno whether you do this Pete, as you're a Kiwi blow-in). But what Aussies do, is they give eachother the Outback Wave -- you know, where the index finger is lazily raised from off the steering wheel, in greeting.

Aussies do that in the Outback. It's polite.

And that, my friends, is CULTURE. Don't believe me? Then just take a British or Yank tourist into the Outback, and see what kind of reaction you get.

Small things -- often ever so small -- define our culture, and make us unique, and bond us together as Australians. We can't define it, because these things come so natural we don't even know we're doing it.

But its real. And I for one have no desire to give it up to a bunch of Sharia lovin' sandpeople who respect nothing but Allah.

6:22 PM  
Blogger 10 men said...

Your most welcome Nicole.

I think pete has a difficulty with other colours and creeds which makes him a true racist-bigot or white neo nazi in the true sense, in other words an uneducated ugly Australian.

The only failure of immigration
is Islamic. As the numbers grow so too will the demands for us to submit. They have lots of help too -
leftists,socialists,marxists, most media all hate the West and are allied with Islam to destroy it.

It's a war on many fronts.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


See you on Debate Relate.

From an Australian Muslim.

11:46 AM  
Blogger 10 men said...

AGRRR, a muslim!

lol, but one with humour, I like..

thanks mysty

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From an Australian Muslim.

ROFL. "Australian Muslim" A delused islamofascist. F-off.

2:58 AM  

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