Sunday, March 05, 2006

Viking Queen Speaks

J. Grant Swank, Jr.

"Show our opposition to Islam."
Again: "Show our opposition to Islam."

That is Queen Magritte II of Denmark speaking, in Berlin.

The Queen calls her country to oppose Muslims "regardless of the (reaction) such a stance provokes abroad."

Slowly the world freedom leaders are coming to their convictions senses. There is No Tolerance when it comes to Muslims in a free country.

There is such a small segment of so-called "secular Muslims" that one can hardly believe them when they claim such. But even then, it’s not worth an entire liberty nation falling because of tolerating a few self-proclaimed "moderate Muslims" when the vast majority is ready to kill us off for Islam world rule.

Therefore, the Danish Queen is exceptionally realistic in seeking to protect her citizens. She has spoken truth.

"We are being challenged by Islam these years - globally as well as locally.

It is a challenge we have to take seriously. We have let this issue float about for too long because we are tolerant and lazy.

"We have to show our opposition to Islam and we have to, at times, run the risk of having unflattering labels placed on us because there are some things for which we should display no tolerance.

"And when we are tolerant, we must know whether it is because of convenience or conviction."

This obviously is a strong woman with noteworthy principles. Her nation must heed her caution or be damned.

So it is with the United States. It is sad that President and Mrs. George W. Bush placed a copy of the Koran in the White House library when entertaining Muslims there this winter. Mr. Bush referred to Islam as a "noble faith" then just as he did in the State of the Union address.
It is not noble. It is not faith. It is a killing cult obeying the crazy dictates of a raping murdering; plundering demonic prophet Mohammed who thought up a demented deity he named "Allah."

"Denmark has seriously limited immigration in the past three years and the anti-immigrant Danish People's Party, an ally of the centre-Right government, has pushed through laws making it harder to bring in foreign spouses or qualify
For asylum," according to the press.

For those Muslims in her country, the Queen informs them not to ask for interpreters but to learn Danish if they expect to remain there. This will help "they integrate better," she claims.
"We should not be content with living next to each other. We should rather live together."
Again: "We should not be content with living next to each other. We should rather live together."
But reality is that the vast host of Muslims can’t understand a democracy, that is, by their insane displays this week because of a few cartoons. Therefore, they need to go home to a Muslim environs and leave the rest of the world to its own happiness.


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