Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Radical Truth

no rules for radicals

To quote Comrade Obama:

Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.

thanks to : http://www.moonbattery.com/

Monday, January 25, 2010

13% Oink

One Shot - One Soul

SILVER BULLET GUN OIL, is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Counter-Islamic terrorist force multiplier.

SILVER BULLET GUN OIL was designed specifically to put Demoralizing FEAR and TERROR into SUPPOSEDLY "Fearless" Islamo-Fascist terrorists. It was created with the "TRUE BELIEVER'' in mind.

According to the Koran, Allah states, "Any of my followers contaminated by swine at the time of his death will be denied entry to my paradise forever, I HATE THE STENCH OF SWINE."

Gun oil with 13% Pig Fat. Is already being used against Jihad fighters.


SILVER BULLET GUN OIL CONTAINS 13% USDA LIQUEFIED PIG FAT. The PIG FAT is mixed with our blended, hi-grade WEAPONS OIL designed for use in ALL FIREARMS. The oil is applied to the inside of the barrel of any firearm or weapons system.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Don't let history repeat

Why History is important...

Modern UK

Kids think Hitler was a football coach
One in 20 Pommie school students thinks Adolf Hitler was a German football manager.

Revolutionary Holocaust

Revolutionary Holocaust p 2/7

Glenn Beck’s documentary

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Water Art

Monday, January 18, 2010

Try to have fun

The stab vest can be designed to display any flag of a fan's choosing. Picture: Protektorvest.com

FOOTBALL fans planning on going to the World Cup in South Africa are being offered stab vests in their team's colours.

The vests are being sold online by London-registered firm Protektorvest.com and can display any flag of a fan's choosing.

The British Football Supporters Federation (BSSF) said the company is cashing in on fears of the country's crime rate, Sky News reports.



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Requiem rmx +

Marvel Civil War... Whose side are you on? Music: Clint Mansel Requiem for a Dream (RMX)

Clubbed to Death remix

Star wars - Requiem for a Dream

Monday, January 11, 2010

No Peace

Italy in racism debate...

Islam's Google

GOOGLE censors on behalf of Islam?

banning anti-jihad YouTube videos,

Google accused of 'censoring' its website so anti-Islam searches fail to appear (apparently it's a 'bug')

Christianity Will Disappear- according to Google search

Islam will dominate the world - so says Google

Mohammad over at Google needs a please explain memo